Project Profile: Moorhead High School Career Academy
Moorhead Area Public Schools continue construction of their monumental five-year planned renovations at two learning sites, Moorhead High School and Career Academy.
Over the past two years, TCC has assisted in this project with shipping 3,000-pound bags of SPEC MIX® Portland Lime & Sand Mortar to lay block/brick and SPEC MIX® Core Fill Grout to be used for the interior renovations of the new Career Academy.
In 2020, the School Board approved the $22 million project of the two schools: a complete renovation of the current Moorhead High School in addition to the purchase and renovation of a new Career Academy.
With the intention of providing a personalized and student-centered learning environment, Career Academy offers six small learning communities; Farm to Table, Health & Human Potential, Entrepreneurship & Business, Information Technology & Design Thinking, Liberal Arts, and Manufacturing, Transit, and Distribution.
Over the past two years, the school has operated under construction in three phases:
• Phase 1: The Career Academy is purchased and fully renovated by Fall 2021.
• Phase 2: Renovation of the High School begins with additions of the new academic wings, common area, and athletic facility in 2023 through 2025.
• Phase 3: Partial demolition of the High School begins to make way for new construction of fine arts facilities.
Moorhead is changing the way young adults experience school as they approach the exciting beginning of their adult lives. We at TTC are excited to see the progress of the schools and the exciting career explorations of the students that attend them.